Saturday 24 September 2016

What Is Social Media Marketing? -

The utilization of social media platform and websites to promote a product or service. The built in data analytics tools are in most of these social media platform result to enable companies to track the progress, success and engagement of ad campaigns. Social media marketing is helpful in the addressing a range stakeholders which involves current and potential customers, current and potential employees, journalists, bloggers and the general public. To use effectively the social media effectively, firms should learn to allow customers and internet users to post user-generated content (e.g. online comments, products review etc. also known as “earned media”rather than use marketer-prepared advertising copy.
As of 2016, a range of not for profit organizations and government organizations are engaging in social media marketing of their programs or services. In 2014 the business expert has felt the Social media as the integral part of their business. Business retailers have found 133% increase in revenue through social media marketing. Social media can be a useful source of market information and a way to listen customer perspectives.
Blogs, content communities and forums are platforms where individuals share their reviews and recommendations of brands, products and services which come under active approach of the social media marketing.  The passive approach of the social media marketing includes public relations and direct marketing tools but also communications channels targeting very specific audiences with social media influencers and social media personalities and as effective tools meant for customer engagement. Face book and LinkedIn are leading social media platform where users can hyper-target their ads.

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